Wednesday 20 April 2016

Display Real Time Clock TSR in Dos


Terminate but Stay Resident Program is a type of assembly program which stays resident / or occupies memory on ram so that it can be executed upon interrupt.
TSR is actually one of the best ways to ways to write viruses. The best part is that until the computer is restarted the virus can stay in the memory.

It consists of three sections:-
which you are supposed to find out.

Problem Statement in Layman Terms
You have to display the time on screen using a TSR.

Tuesday 5 April 2016

32 bit ALP To find length of entered string

Q: Write an ALP to find the length of a string entered by the user.

Assembler: NASM
Debugger: GDB
OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS


;Author:-Abhishek Vilas Munagekar

32 bit ALP:Reading 32 bit numbers and printing them back

Q: Write an x86 ALP to read 10 32 bit numbers. Store these in an array. And print them back using various system calls.

64 bit ALP to print Hello Word

Q: Write a 64 bit ALP to print Hello word.

Assembler : NASM
Debugger : GDB
OS            : Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Assembly Language: Finding the largest number

Q: Write an ALP to find the largest number in a given set of  numbers.

Assembler: Nasm
OS : Ubuntu 14.04 LTS(64 bit Linux)

DAC interfacing with 8086

Q: Write a ALP to interface DAC with 8086.

Software: Minicom
OS: Fedora(Linux-64 bit)

Linux Shell Scripting: Lowercase n Uppercase

Q: Write a shell script for manipulating the case of input text.

C Program for Fork in Linux

Q: Write a program in C for linux fork system call. Also show zoombie and orphaned processes.

The use of fork system call is displayed using the following two programs

Friday 1 April 2016