Friday 26 February 2016

Linux Hacks 1.1: Leave no Trace on the Terminal

  1. Are you doing something you are unauthorized to do? 
  2. Are you using the terminal?
  3. Do you want to leave no trace on the terminal?

If the answer is yes here's the article. For those who are in a hurry. Here's your command

Sunday 21 February 2016

Virtual base Clases- C++ Marks Database

Q:-Design a C++ base class consisting of the data members such as name of the student, roll number and subject. The derived class consists of the data member’s subject code, internal assessment and university examination marks. Construct a virtual base class for the item name of the student and roll number. The program should have the facilities.
i) Build a master table ii) List a table iii) Insert a new entry
iv) Delete old entry v) Edit an entry vi) Search for a record

Operator Overloading String Operations in C++

Q:-Write a C++ program to perform String operations
i. = Equality
ii. == String Copy
iii. + Concatenation
iv. << To display a string
v. >> To reverse a string
vi. Function to determine whether a string is a palindrome
vii.To find occurrence of a sub-string. Use Operator Overloading


Framework:- QT 5.5.1
Os :- Linux 64 bit(Ubuntu 14.04 LTS)
Language :- C++

Thoughts on Operator Overloading

I managed to write concise and clear code, despite the fact that I don't like operator overloading. Being a Java Programmer I prefer a.add(b) constructs as against a+b .

Concave Polygon

Q:- Write a program to draw a concave polygon in C++.

Framework:- QT
Os :-Linux 64 bit (Fedora)


It is a simple program which draws a polygon when the draw button is clicked. The entire program is hard coded ie.., doesn't accept user inputs

Tuesday 16 February 2016

2-D Java Game Obstruction


  1. Obstruction is a 2-D Tile (Grid ) based strategy game developed by me. This Game  was invented by László Kozma <( ),a Roman Mathematician.
  2. Obstruction is a fine mixture of simplicity and strategy , a great game to workout your brain. Can you think ahead of your friends.
  3. Obstruction combines the need to think ahead in Chess and the simplicity in Tic-Tac-Toe. Try it out today
  4. Check the video. This is the game under development as of 6th March.


Your objective is simply to make the last move.

Game Play

  1. To make a move Click on a tile to block it and it its neighbors .
  2. If no free tile is available for your opponent you win.

Friday 12 February 2016

Mean-Variance-Standard-Deviation-Assembly Language-With-Detailed-Comments

Q: Write an ALP to find out the mean, variance and standard deviation for a given set of numbers.

Floating point instruction seem to be pretty hard to grasp, especially if you are using them for the  first time. While coding a solution to this problem, often I found myself opening the Intel ia64 manual confused about the end result of an instruction. Thus I decided to comment the code in detail ,so that readers don't find themselves in a similar situation.

In case you need to refer to the manual here's the link:-

Booth's Multiplication Algorithm -GUI C++

Q: Write a program in C++ to demonstrate booth's multiplication algorithm for 8 bit numbers.

Framework:- QT 5.5.1
Language:- C++
Operating System:- Linux 64 bit(Ubuntu 14.04 LTS)

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Demonstration of Paging Tables using Assembly Lanugage

This is a demonstration of the concept of paging using assembly language. Here each page has been declared as an array. And address variable(add) denotes the address which is to be reached. This is assumed to be similar to linear address. This is to be translated to physical address using the concept of paging.

Saturday 6 February 2016

15 Puzzle Game In C

Note:- This is the first game that I wrote and is definitely poorly written code.This is a code written by me in two days after reading a C book for five days after my 12th with absolutely no formal training in programing. In fact I would be commenting on the mistakes that I made during coding of this game so that you don't make them. Is this code worth reading then? Yes definitely. The text based graphics and scan key events might be worth reading!

Friday 5 February 2016

ALP to multipy numbersWITHOUT MUL instruction

Q: Write a ALP to multiply two 8 bit numbers using Shift-Add Method and Repeated Addition Method. Accept the numbers from the user. Make the program a menu driven one.

Personal Database C++ GUI Application

Q: Create a Personal Database. Provide facility to delete, add and search for people in the database. The following things must be implemented in your code.
  • Copy Constructor
  • Inline Functions
  • Destructor
  • Default Constructor
  • Parameterized Constructor

Thursday 4 February 2016

Complex Numbers-C++ GUI Application

Q: Write a C++ program for implementing basic operations on complex numbers. Use of operator overloading is expected.


Framework used:- QT
Os:- Linux 64bit (You can use the executable directly if you have this os else compile it)

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Miller Rabin Primality Testing Algorithm in C language

  1. This algorithm is a monte carlo algorithm used for testing whether a given number is a prime or not. 
  2. This works much better than fermat's theorem.
  3. This algorithm is likely to give false positive in case of Carmichael numbers.
  4. The code implementation given below will not work with any number less than three.
  5. This code contains a large number of commented out printf statements which i added during debugging. However I decided against removing them as I though it might help some one whose trying to understand the working of the algorithm. 

Monday 1 February 2016

Powerset Generator Recursive Algorithm Python

 Q:Write a python program to generate powerset for given set of elements.

Truth Value Generator-Recursive Algorithms-Python

Q:- Write a Python Program to generate all possible truth values for a given number of boolean variables

Tower of Hanoi-Solution

python-tower-of-hanoi The Game

Tower of Hanoi is a puzzle game. Your objective is to move disks from one tower to another tower. You initially have 3 towers of which two are empty and one(say tower 1) contains n disks. These n disks are all of different sizes. In tower 1 they are present in definite order- the largest at the botttom and the smallest at the top. You can only move one disk at a time. The rule is that you cannot place a bigger disk on a smaller disk. This relocation of disks needs to be done in minimum number of moves.