Friday 26 August 2016


Q: Design at least 10 SQL queries for suitable database application using SQL DML statements:
Insert, Select, Update, Delete Clauses using distinct, count, aggregation on Client-Data sever (three tier).

Use Python for Socket Programming to connect two or more PCs to share a text file.

Os: Fedora 20
Network: Switched LAN(Ethernet)

Note: Program fails to work on Local Area Network. Program works flawlessly on localhost.

While this script works perfectly fine on loop back ie on the same machine, it fails on networks.For some unknown reasons I havent' been able to get this script running of a local network consisting of fedora linux machine despite tweaking with the firewall. I don't get much time to work on local networks and am currently busy with some other endeavors. 

Write an IPC program using pipe using C++ and Python

Q: Process A accepts a character string and Process B inverses the string. Pipe is used to establish communication between A and B processes using C++ & Python

Write a program in Python/C++ to read display the i-node information for a given text file, image file.




DBMS using connections (Client-application server-Data sever, three tier) Oracle/MySQL (ODBC/JDBC), SQL Joints, prompt.

Created in eclipse(Java EE).

Friday 5 August 2016

How To Securely Store Data

Note : You require knowledge about file recovery to understand this article. In case, you have no knowledge about this, I highly recommend checking out my article on file recovery.

In one of my earlier posts I demonstrated File Recovery using Forensic Tools.
While File Recovery is possible if the file is deleted using Shift-Delete or even if the partition is formated.

This becomes a major security issue if your pendrive held confidential data earlier. Even quick format is not an option.

Using specialized tools forensic experts can manage to recover any data which was stored on pendrive or any other storage device, provided it is not overwritten. In case , it is overwritten the data could still be partially recovered. I had once recovered partially, a few images using Recuva. They don't look like the exact image but just the thumbnails can be pretty informative.