Generates Three Address, Four Address, Triple Intermediate Code.
%{ #include"" extern char yyval; %} %% [0-9]+ {yylval.symbol=(char)(yytext[0]);return NUMBER;} [a-z] {yylval.symbol= (char)(yytext[0]);return LETTER;} . {return yytext[0];} \n {return 0;} %%
%{ #include"" #include<stdio.h> char addtotable(char,char,char); int index1=0; char temp = 'A'-1; struct expr{ char operand1; char operand2; char operator; char result; }; %} %union{ char symbol; } %left '+' '-' %left '/' '*' %token <symbol> LETTER NUMBER %type <symbol> exp %% statement: LETTER '=' exp ';' {addtotable((char)$1,(char)$3,'=');}; exp: exp '+' exp {$$ = addtotable((char)$1,(char)$3,'+');} |exp '-' exp {$$ = addtotable((char)$1,(char)$3,'-');} |exp '/' exp {$$ = addtotable((char)$1,(char)$3,'/');} |exp '*' exp {$$ = addtotable((char)$1,(char)$3,'*');} |'(' exp ')' {$$= (char)$2;} |NUMBER {$$ = (char)$1;} |LETTER {(char)$1;}; %% struct expr arr[20]; void yyerror(char *s){ printf("Errror %s",s); } char addtotable(char a, char b, char o){ temp++; arr[index1].operand1 =a; arr[index1].operand2 = b; arr[index1].operator = o; arr[index1].result=temp; index1++; return temp; } void threeAdd(){ int i=0; char temp='A'; while(i<index1){ printf("%c:=\t",arr[i].result); printf("%c\t",arr[i].operand1); printf("%c\t",arr[i].operator); printf("%c\t",arr[i].operand2); i++; temp++; printf("\n"); } } void fouradd(){ int i=0; char temp='A'; while(i<index1){ printf("%c\t",arr[i].operator); printf("%c\t",arr[i].operand1); printf("%c\t",arr[i].operand2); printf("%c",arr[i].result); i++; temp++; printf("\n"); } } int find(char l){ int i; for(i=0;i<index1;i++) if(arr[i].result==l) break; return i; } void triple(){ int i=0; char temp='A'; while(i<index1){ printf("%c\t",arr[i].operator); if(!isupper(arr[i].operand1)) printf("%c\t",arr[i].operand1); else{ printf("pointer"); printf("%d\t",find(arr[i].operand1)); } if(!isupper(arr[i].operand2)) printf("%c\t",arr[i].operand2); else{ printf("pointer"); printf("%d\t",find(arr[i].operand2)); } i++; temp++; printf("\n"); } } int yywrap(){ return 1; } int main(){ printf("Enter the expression: "); yyparse(); threeAdd(); printf("\n"); fouradd(); printf("\n"); triple(); return 0; }Compilation & Execution
[duke@duke-pc a5]$ yacc -d yacc.y [duke@duke-pc a5]$ lex lex.l [duke@duke-pc a5]$ gcc lex.yy.c -w[duke@duke-pc a5]$ ./a.out Enter the expression: a=b*c+1/3-5*f; A:= b * c B:= 1 / 3 C:= A + B D:= 5 * f E:= C - D F:= a = E * b c A / 1 3 B + A B C * 5 f D - C D E = a E F * b c / 1 3 + pointer0 pointer1 * 5 f - pointer2 pointer3 = a pointer4
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