My very first program in Scala. And I don't find Scala close to Java. I am quite used to Java and C++ and rather find the two more close as very as programming is concerned.Scala however is closer to Java since scala code is converted to Java Bytecode and the executed.
I used 2 classes a Binary Search class & a Tester object
. An object is more like a singleton class according to my understanding.
The BinarySearch class has constructor which accepts a sorted array.
It has 2 functions
- A Recursive Binary Search
- An Iterative Binary Search.
New To Scala
If you are new to scala, like me. Here's what you need to note
- Similarities between Scala & Java
- Semicolon is optional in Scala
- Function Definition
- Variable Declaration & Definition
- Object vs Class
- mkstring function(used in the program)
- vs Console(deprecated)
- For loop syntax
class BinSearch(nos:Array[Int]){ var this.nos = nos; //recursive binary search def rsearch(key:Int,l:Int = 0, r:Int = nos.length-1):Int ={ if(l>r) {return -1;} var mid:Int =(l+r)/2; if(nos(mid)== key) return mid; if(nos(mid)>key) return rsearch(key,l,mid-1); else return rsearch(key,mid+1,r); } //iterative binary search def isearch(key:Int):Int ={ var l=0; var r=nos.length-1; while(r>l){ var mid:Int = (l+r)/2; if (nos(mid)==key) return mid; else if (nos(mid)<key) l=mid+1; else r=mid-1; } return -1; } } object Tester{ def main(args:Array[String]){ println("Driver program for Binary Search"); println("Enter the number of elements in the array"); var n =; var nos = new Array[Int](n); println("Enter the " +n+ " numbers"); for (i <- 0 to n-1 ){ println("Enter number "+(i+1)); nos(i); } println("The numbers entered are as follows") println(nos.mkString(" ")) println("The numbers after sorting are") nos=nos.sorted println(nos.mkString(" ")) var a = new BinSearch(nos) println("Enter the key which is to be found") println(a.rsearch( println(a.isearch( } }
Execution & Output
Note: You need to install Scala packages before running this program.Since scala doesn't come installed by default. It might be available in your repository for your linux distro.
- For Manjaro Linux
sudo pacman -S scala
[duke@duke-pc]$ scalac bin.scala
[duke@duke-pc]$ scala Tester
Driver program for Binary Search
Enter the number of elements in the array
Enter the 6 numbers
Enter number 1
Enter number 2
Enter number 3
Enter number 4
Enter number 5
Enter number 6
The numbers entered are as follows
2 6 89 87 456 22
The numbers after sorting are
2 6 22 87 89 456
Enter the key which is to be found
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