Saturday, 30 January 2016

Finding Average of Numbers-Assembly x86

Q: Write an ALP (Assembly Language Program) to find the average of hexadecimal numbers stored in an array.

Friday, 22 January 2016

Two module String Operations ALP

Q:- Write an ALP for String Manipulation Operations . Store the string in data set of one module and write far procedure in code segment of the other module for performing the string operation. Operations to be performed are as follows:-
  • Concatenation
  • Occurrences of a sub-string in a string
Create .obj files of both modules. And link them to create an executable file.

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Circle Drawing in C++

Q: Write a C++ Class for a circle drawing inheriting line class.


String Operations in Assembly Lanuguage

String Operations
Q:- Write a 64 bit ALP to perform String Operations. The program should be menu driven with the following options:-

  1.     Length of String
  2.     Reverse the String
  3.     Palindrome Test

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Device Management- Mounting and Unmounting using Shell Scripting

Q:- Write a shell script to mount and unmount devices using shell scripting. Also display the list of devices currently available to the system.


Bash Scripting-Adding Users

Q: - Create a bash script for adding a user and modifying access rights

Book Shop Program

Q:-   A book shop maintains the inventory of books that are being sold at the shop. The list includes details such as author, title, price, publisher and stock position. Whenever a customer wants a book, the sales person inputs the title and author and the system searches the list and displays whether it is available or not. If it is not, an appropriate message is displayed. If it is, then the system displays the book details and requests for the number of copies required. If the requested copies book details and requests for the number of copies required. If the requested copies are available, the total cost of the requested copies is displayed; otherwise the message “Required copies not in stock” is displayed. Design a system using a class called books with suitable member functions and Constructors. Use new operator in constructors to allocate memory space required. Implement C++ program for the system.

Friday, 8 January 2016

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Weather Report Program in C++

This is a Weather Report/ Weather Forecast Application written in C++ .
It is a GUI Application Written in QT.


Create a class named weather report that holds a daily weather report with data member’s day_of_month, hightemp, lowtemp, amount_rain and amount_snow. The constructor initializes the fields with default values: 99 for day_of_month, 999 for hightemp,-999 for lowtemp and 0 for amount_rain and amount_snow. Include a function that prompts the user and sets values for each field so that you can override the default values. Write a C++/Java/Python program that creates a monthly report. Menu driven program with options to Enter data and Display report. Report Format
Day Amt_Rain Amt_snow High_temp Low_temp

Memory in Java

Q:-Write a program in Java. To find out memory statistics available for Java Virtual Machine.

Drawing a Line with Different Line Styles

Q:Write a program in C++ to draw a line with different styles thick, thin and dotted. Accept the start point and end point coordinates from the user.

Start-up Scripts Bash

Q:- Write a startup script using Bash Scripting

Line Drawing using DDA and Bresenham

Q:- Write a program to draw line using DDA or Bresenham algorithm. Accept values for the 2 endpoints as well as the input for colour. Inherit a class and overload the functions for DDA and Bresenham.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Block Transfer using Assembly Language-64 bit

Q:- Write a 64 bit assembly language program to implement the following operations:-
  1. Non-overlapped with string instructions
  2. Non-overlapped without string instructions
  3. Overlapped with string instructions
  4. Non-overlapped with string instructions