Os: Fedora
Software: Minicom
Code and Output
;port a and c upper act as input i.e data can be recieved from 8255 to 8086 ;port b and port c lower act as ouput i,e data can be sent to 8255 A 3000 0000:3000 MOV AL, 99 ;I/O mode,mode 00(basic I/O mode),port A (PA0-7)input,Port C upper(PC4-7)input,10011 ;mode 0 for Group B,Group B(PB7-0) port B acts as output,Group B port C acts as inp(PC0-3),001 0000:3002 OUT 67, AL ;command word sent to command word register 0000:3004 MOV AL, 05 ;initialization of clock 0000:3006 OUT 63, AL ;output this to port B 0000:3008 MOV AL, 04 ;start of convertion 0000:300A OUT 63, AL ;mov data from al to port B 0000:300C IN AL, 65 ;input data from port c upper to check for end of convertion 0000:300E TEST AL, 01 ;check for end of convertion 0000:3010 JNZ 300C ;if not done repeat 0000:3012 MOV AL, 06 ;Enable output mode command in AL 0000:3014 OUT 63, AL ;Send this to port B 0000:3016 IN AL, 61 ;Read data from port A into AL 0000:3018 MOV BL, AL ;Copy this value in BL 0000:301A INT 3 Dyna-86>G 2000 ;FF=5V Break at FFFF:201B Dyna-86>R AX=00FF BX=00FF CX=0000 DX=0000 SP=06FD BP=0000 SI=0000 DI=0000 CS=FFFF DS=0000 SS=0000 ES=0000 IP=201B FL=F046 Dyna-86>G 2000 Break at FFFF:201B Dyna-86>R AX=000D BX=000D CX=0000 DX=0000 SP=06FB BP=0000 SI=0000 DI=0000 CS=FFFF DS=0000 SS=0000 ES=0000 IP=201B FL=F046 Dyna-86>G 2000 Break at FFFF:201B Dyna-86>R AX=000A BX=000A CX=0000 DX=0000 SP=06F9 BP=0000 SI=0000 DI=0000 CS=FFFF DS=0000 SS=0000 ES=0000 IP=201B FL=F046
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