Tuesday 15 March 2016

Exception Handling in C++

Create a C++ class named Television that has data members to hold the model number and the screen size in inches, and the price. Member functions include overloaded insertion and extraction operators. If more than four digits are entered for the model, if the screen size is smaller than 12 or greater than 70 inches, or if the price is negative or over $5000 then throw an integer. Write a main() function that instantiates a television object, allows user to enter data and displays the data members .If an exception is caught, replace all the data member values with zero values.

Language: C++
Os:Fedora-64 bit( Linux )

QMessageBox has been used to display a message whenever an exception is caught.
And the values of the TV object are printed always , irrespective of whether or not an exception occurs.

C++ Exception Handling using QT

Download Link 

@mediafire with screenshot and executable

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