An AVL tree is a self-balancing binary search tree.
Inventors:- Georgy Adelson-Velsky and Evgenii Landis
C++ Program for AVL tree
//============================================================================ // Copyright : Abhishek Munagekar and Programming Wonders,2015 //www.facebook.com/prgwonders //============================================================================
#include <string>
#include <cstring> #include <iostream> using namespace std; Visit class Node{ friend class Dict; public: Node *left,*right; string word,meaning; int h; Node(string word="word not set",string meaning="meaning not set"){ this->word=word; this->meaning=meaning; h=0; this->left=this->right=NULL; } }; class Dict{ public: Node *headnode; Dict(){ headnode=NULL; } void display(Node *p){ if(headnode==NULL){ cout<<"The dictionary is empty"<<endl; } else if(p!=NULL){ display(p->left); cout<<p->word<<":\t"<<p->meaning<<endl; display(p->right); } } int height(Node *p){ int hl,hr; if(p==NULL){ return 0; } if(p->left==NULL) hl=0; else hl=1+p->left->h; if(p->right==NULL) hr=0; else hr=1+p->right->h; return max(hr,hl); } int bf(Node *p){ int hl,hr; if(p==NULL) return 0; if(p->left==NULL) hl=0; else hl=p->left->h+1; if(p->right==NULL) hr=0; else hr=p->right->h+1; return hl-hr; } Node *rotateright(Node *x){ Node *y=x->left; x->left=y->right; y->right=x; y->h=height(y); x->h=height(x); return y; } Node *rotateleft(Node *x){ Node *y=x->right; x->right=y->left; y->left=x; y->h=height(y); x->h=height(x); return y; } Node *RR(Node *x){ x=rotateleft(x); return x; } Node *LL(Node *x){ x=rotateright(x); return x; } Node *LR(Node *x){ x->left=rotateleft(x->left); x=rotateright(x); return x; } Node *RL(Node *x){ x->right=rotateright(x->right); x=rotateleft(x); return x; } Node *insert(Node *p,string word,string meaning){ if(p==NULL){ p=new Node(word,meaning); } else{ int d=word.compare(p->word); if(d>0){ p->right=insert(p->right,word,meaning); if(bf(p)==-2){ if(bf(p->right)<=0){ p=RR(p); } else{ p=RL(p); } } } else if(d<0){ p->left=insert(p->left,word,meaning); if(bf(p)==2){ if(bf(p)>=0) p=LL(p); else p=LR(p); } } else{ cout<<"word already exists"<<endl; } } p->h=height(p); return p; } Node *remove(Node *p,string word){ if(p==NULL){ cout<<"Given word does not exist"<<endl; } else{ int d=word.compare(p->word); if(d>0){ p->right=remove(p->right,word); if(bf(p)==2){ if(bf(p->right)>=0) p=LL(p); else p=LR(p); } } else if(d<0){ p->left=remove(p->left,word); if(bf(p)==-2){ if(bf(p->left)<=0) p=RR(p); else p=RL(p); } } else{ if(p->right!=NULL){ Node *temp=p->right; while(temp->left!=NULL) temp=temp->left; p->word=temp->word; p->meaning=temp->meaning; p->right=remove(p->right,temp->word); if(bf(p)==2){ if(bf(p->right)>=0) p=LL(p); else p=LR(p); } } else{ return p->left; } } } p->h=height(p); return p; } }; int main() { Dict a; int ch; string word; string meaning; while(ch!=1 ){ cout<<"1.Exit 2.Display 3.Insert 4.Delete"<<endl; cin>>ch; switch (ch){ case 1: cout<<"terminating program"<<endl; break; case 2: a.display(a.headnode); break; case 3: cin>>word>>meaning; a.headnode=a.insert(a.headnode,word,meaning); break; case 4: cin>>word; a.headnode=a.remove(a.headnode,word); break; } } cout << "!!!Hello World!!!" << endl; // prints !!!Hello World!!! return 0; }
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