- A dictionary can be either implemented using a linked list or a binary search tree.
- Insertion and Searching in the former is more time consuming as compared to the later. Thus the later approach is preferred.
- Each node will have 2 children.
- The values in the left subtree will be lesser than the parent and the values in the right subtree will be greater than the parent for each node.
- Threaded children have not been used in this data structure.
- This binary search tree can be balanced by using AVL tree method. This will further reduce the search time (searching in a skewed tree is equivalent to searching in a link list).
- Wikipedia Link for BST :- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_search_tree
Below is the implementation of Dictionary in C++ language. It has the following functions:-
- Insert
- Delete
- Update
- Display
- Find
#include <string> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Node{ friend class Dictionary; private: Node *left; Node *right; string word; string meaning; public: Node(string word="word not set",string meaning="meaning not set"){ //constructor for node left=NULL; right=NULL; this->word=word; this->meaning=meaning; } public: }; class Dictionary{ //head node is the root of the binary search tree public: Node *headnode; Dictionary(){ headnode=NULL; } Node* search(string searchstring,Node* parent){ //search operation on the string if(parent==NULL){ //cout<<"Word not found"<<endl; return parent; } int d=searchstring.compare(parent->word); if(d==0){ //if the word in the node is equal to search string return parent; } else if(d>0){ //if the word in the node is smaller than the search string if(parent->right!=NULL) return search(searchstring,parent->right); return parent; } else if(d<0){ //if the word in the node is greater than the search string if(parent->left!=NULL) return search(searchstring,parent->left); return parent; } else{ cout<<"Code should never reach here Error has been encountered"<<endl; return NULL;// to get rid of warning } } Node* search2(string searchstring,Node* parent, int count){ //searches for a word and prints the word and its meanings if(parent==NULL){ //along with the number of comparissons cout<<"Word not found,no of comparisons required = "<<int(count) <<endl;//word not found,reaches null pointer return parent; } count=count+1; int d=searchstring.compare(parent->word); if(d==0){ //word is found cout<<"Word found,no of comparisons required = "<< int(count)<<endl; cout<<parent->word<<":-\t"<<parent->meaning<<endl; return parent; } else if(d>0){ //if value in the node is less than the search string return search2(searchstring,parent->right,count); } else if(d<0){ //if value in the node is more that the search string return search2(searchstring,parent->left,count); } else{ cout<<"Code should never reach here Error has been encountered"<<endl; return NULL;// to get rid of warning } } void insert(string word){ // to insert a word into the tree string meaning; //char st[80]; cout<<"Enter meaning"<<endl; cin.ignore(); getline(cin,meaning); //cin>>meaning; Node *temp=search(word,headnode); //search if the word already exists if(headnode==NULL){ //if the tree is empty then modify the headnode headnode=new Node(word,meaning); return; } Node *temp2=new Node(word,meaning); //create the node to be inserted if(temp->word==word){ //if word already exists display message cout<<"the word already exists"<<endl; } else{ //if word does not exist insert at left or right of the root node int d=word.compare(temp->word); if(d>0){ temp->right=temp2; cout<<"the word is successfully inserted"<<endl; } else{ temp->left=temp2; cout<<"the word is successfully inserted"<<endl; } } } Node* del(Node *parent,string word){ //three cases leaf node,single child,double child Node *temp; if(parent==NULL){ //pointer becomes null if the word doesn't exist cout<<"Element not found"<<endl; return NULL; } int d=word.compare(parent->word); if(d>0){ parent->right=del(parent->right,word); return parent; } if(d<0){ parent->left=del(parent->left,word); return parent; } //word is now found if(parent->left==NULL&&parent->right==NULL){ //CASE:- LEAF NODE temp=parent; delete (temp); return NULL; } if(parent->right==NULL){ //Case:-Single left child temp=parent; parent=parent->left; delete temp; return parent; } if(parent->left==NULL){ //Case:-Single right child temp=parent; parent=parent->right; delete temp; return parent; } //Node with two children temp=findmin(parent->right); //find min in right subtree parent->word=temp->word; //copy the data of min into the node to be deleted parent->meaning=temp->meaning; parent->right=del(parent->right,temp->word); //delete the minimum value in the right subtree return parent; //In case the node has two children } Node* findmin(Node *parent){ //returns pointer to minimum value in a tree while(parent->left!=NULL){ parent=parent->left; } return parent; } void update(string word){ //to update the meaning of a word Node *temp; temp=search(word,headnode); if(temp->word!=word){ cout<<"The given word doesn't exists"<<endl; } else{ cout<<"Enter the new meaning"<<endl; string meaning; cin.ignore(); getline(cin,meaning); temp->meaning=meaning; cout<<"The meaning has been updated in the dictionary"<<endl; } } void display(Node *p){ //recursive in order traversal for ascending order // Traversal is left root right if(p!=NULL){ display(p->left); cout<<p->word; cout<<":-\t"; cout<<p->meaning<<endl; display(p->right); } } }; int main() { Dictionary a; int choice=0,count=0; string word,meaning; while(choice!=6){ cout<<"Enter your choice"<<endl; cout<<"1.insert 2.update 3.delete 4.display entire dictionary 5.search 6.exit"; cin>>choice; switch (choice){ //menu case 1: cout<<"Enter word"<<endl; cin>>word; a.insert(word); break; case 2: cout<<"Enter word to update"<<endl; cin>>word; a.update(word); break; case 3: cout<<"Enter word to delete"<<endl; cin>>word; a.headnode=a.del(a.headnode,word); break; case 4: cout<<"Dictionary contents"<<endl; a.display(a.headnode); break; case 5: cout<<"Enter the word to search for"<<endl; cin>>word; a.search2(word,a.headnode,count); break; case 6: cout<<"Terminating program"<<endl; break; default: cout<<"Invalid choice entered\nPlease re-enter ur choice"<<endl; break; } } return 0; }
Enter your choice 1.insert 2.update 3.delete 4.display entire dictionary 5.search 6.exit1 Enter word ghana Enter meaning african country Enter your choice 1.insert 2.update 3.delete 4.display entire dictionary 5.search 6.exit1 Enter word brazil Enter meaning south american country the word is successfully inserted Enter your choice 1.insert 2.update 3.delete 4.display entire dictionary 5.search 6.exit1 Enter word china Enter meaning asian counry the word is successfully inserted Enter your choice 1.insert 2.update 3.delete 4.display entire dictionary 5.search 6.exit1 Enter word africa Enter meaning continent the word is successfully inserted Enter your choice 1.insert 2.update 3.delete 4.display entire dictionary 5.search 6.exit1 Enter word africa Enter meaning continental land the word already exists Enter your choice 1.insert 2.update 3.delete 4.display entire dictionary 5.search 6.exit1 Enter word null Enter meaning zero the word is successfully inserted Enter your choice 1.insert 2.update 3.delete 4.display entire dictionary 5.search 6.exit1 Enter word zebra Enter meaning animal the word is successfully inserted Enter your choice 1.insert 2.update 3.delete 4.display entire dictionary 5.search 6.exit2 Enter word to update zebra Enter the new meaning animal of savana The meaning has been updated in the dictionary Enter your choice 1.insert 2.update 3.delete 4.display entire dictionary 5.search 6.exit4 Dictionary contents africa:- continent brazil:- south american country china:- asian counry ghana:- african country null:- zero zebra:- animal of savana Enter your choice 1.insert 2.update 3.delete 4.display entire dictionary 5.search 6.exit3 Enter word to delete ghana Enter your choice 1.insert 2.update 3.delete 4.display entire dictionary 5.search 6.exit4 Dictionary contents africa:- continent brazil:- south american country china:- asian counry null:- zero zebra:- animal of savana Enter your choice 1.insert 2.update 3.delete 4.display entire dictionary 5.search 6.exit5 Enter the word to search for null Word found,no of comparisons required = 1 null:- zero Enter your choice 1.insert 2.update 3.delete 4.display entire dictionary 5.search 6.exit5 Enter the word to search for ghana Word not found,no of comparisons required = 3 Enter your choice 1.insert 2.update 3.delete 4.display entire dictionary 5.search 6.exit3 Enter word to delete zebra Enter your choice 1.insert 2.update 3.delete 4.display entire dictionary 5.search 6.exit4 Dictionary contents africa:- continent brazil:- south american country china:- asian counry null:- zero Enter your choice 1.insert 2.update 3.delete 4.display entire dictionary 5.search 6.exit3 Enter word to delete brazil Enter your choice 1.insert 2.update 3.delete 4.display entire dictionary 5.search 6.exit4 Dictionary contents africa:- continent china:- asian counry null:- zero Enter your choice 1.insert 2.update 3.delete 4.display entire dictionary 5.search 6.exit6 Terminating program
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